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Sin and Forces of Evil
. . . I make peace, and create evil: (Is 45:7). Without further Scriptural comparison and understanding the nature of God, one might argue that God created evil. What is a proper understanding of this verse?
It is not uncommon for people to blame God for evil. In fact, when “bad” things happen, humans easily conclude God created evil, as illustrated in the circumstances of Job. Sometimes we too might be tempted by this error.
However, other verses shed light on this matter. He [God] is the Rock, his [God’s] work is perfect: for all his [God’s] ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he [God] (Deut 32:4). Thou [God] art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity (Hab 1:13). That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie (Heb 6:18). Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man (Jas 1:13).
These verses may seem contradictory to Isaiah 45:7, but they are not. The Hebrew word evil (ra; Strong’s #07451) is used 623 times in the OT. More than 100 times, its use is translated into other English words such as displeasure, wickedness, wrong, mischief, etc. The word is primarily used in two ways. In one use, it means moral unrighteousness such as robbery, murder, idolatry, sexual sins, etc. In other uses, it means or refers to natural disasters and circumstances such as sickness, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, etc. These two uses of the word evil need understanding in our minds lest we confuse the truth and ascribe to God or His attributes that He is not.
Moral evil involves the choices of mankind. Sin of every nature flows out from the choices of man’s heart which is inclined unto evil. On the other hand, natural calamities [evil] stem from the curse of sin upon the earth. They began when Satan took control of planet earth and usurped man’s dominion of it. Satan continues his relentless control of the earth and the sinful hearts and minds of people. This control will continue until such time as people are redeemed from this bondage of evil, and/or Jesus returns in power and great glory to reclaim His rightful dominion over the earth. Evil will then be removed; God’s perfect Holiness will be vindicated; the curse will be lifted; Righteousness will be reestablished, and Jesus Christ will reign eternally.
The context of Isaiah 45:7 refers to natural disasters known to man. God allows these events in His absolute sovereignty; however, He is not the instigator of them.
So then, how did evil come to exist? God created Lucifer in the beginning. Lucifer was created perfect, as were all the angelic forces of the cosmos. But Lucifer rebelled against his Creator, along with 1/3 of the angelic forces. These angels took sides with Lucifer’s pride and rebellion, causing God to cast this 1/3 group of angelic forces out of His Holy presence and His Holy abode and onto the earth (Lk 10:18; Re 12:9). Lucifer’s diabolic plan then targeted God’s created mankind. On earth, he first tempted Eve, then furthered his evil scheme, and Adam believed his lie and sinned. In Adam’s complicit, disobedient act with the deceiver (Gen 3), mankind became morally corrupt, and evil “descended” upon the earth.
Now Lucifer’s name is Satan. He is the leader of, the organizer of, the principal manager of, the director of, and the instigator of all evil. He activates his angelic forces along with the fallen nature of people to accomplish his evil (Jn 8:44). All moral unrighteousness (evil) and all-natural calamities known to mankind as evil belong to the earth realms. For all these things (evil), God will bring Satan into judgment. Satan with all his partners and all people who have not rejected him and who have not sought the mercy and redemption of God through repentance will suffer terrible defeat, dreadful consequences, and will be eventually consigned to the regions of everlasting punishment— exiled in separation from God in the Lake of fire which burns with unquenchable inferno.
God is neither directly responsible for evil on the earth nor for evil concerning His perfect Creation though He allows it. Every broken and disturbed mind, every aging soul and greying head, every hurting heart, every fallen tear; yea all death, all sadness, all sickness, all pain, all-natural “evil” catastrophes upon earth, and all trouble known to us points backward to Satan and his legions as well as the first sin in the Garden.
Satan’s name means adversary. We understand adversary as “evil” in various forms. Satan’s evil acts brought evil upon God’s otherwise perfect Creation.
We, as the redeemed from inward moral corruption, must yet accept the natural evils from without and be purified by them. At the same time, recognize and practice deliverance from moral evil. We look for our blessed Hope and glorious deliverance once and forever!
Bible Doctrine , Sin and Forces of Evil
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