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Congregation: Calvary
Speaker: Edwin Eby
Date: August 18, 2024
Audio Runtime: 29:15
Summary: 102 Names of Jesus Christ 1. Adam 2. Advocate 3. Almighty 4. Omega 5. Amen 6. Apostle of Profession 7. Arm of the Lord 8. Author and finisher 9. Counselor 10. Creator 11. Day Spring 12. Deliver 13. Desire of all nations 14. Door 15. Elect of God 16. Everlasting Father 17. Faithful Witness 18. First and Last 19. Beginning of the Creation of God 20. Potent 21. Branch 22. Bread of Life 23. Caption of Salvation 24. Che if Shepard 25. Christ of God 26. Consolation of Israel 27. Cornerstone 28. First Begotten 29. fore runner 30. Glory of the Lord 31. God 32. God Bless t 33. Good Sheppard 34. Governor 35. Great High Priest 36. Head of the church 37. Heir of all things 38. Holly Child 39. Holly One 40. Holly one of God 41. Holy one of Israel 42. Horn of salvation 43. I am 44. Image of God 45. Emmanuel 46. Jehovah 47. Jesus 48. Jesus Nazareth 49. Judge of Israel 50. Just one 51. King 52. King of the Ages 53. King of the Jews 54. King of Kings 55. King of Saints 56. Law Giver 57. Lamb 58. Lamb of God 59. Leader 60. Life 61. Light of the world 62. Lynn of the Tribe of Judah 63. Lord of all 64. Lord of Glory 65. Lord of Lord 66. Lord of Righteousness 67. Mediator 68. Messenger of the Covenant 69. Messiah 70. Mighty God 71. Mighty One 72. Morning Star 73. Nazarene 74. Only Begotten son 75. Passover 76. Prince of Life 77. Prince of Kings 78. Prince of Peace 79. Prophet 80. Redeemer 81. Resurrection and life 82. Rock 83. Root of David 84. Rose of Sharron 85. Savior 86. Seed of Woman 87. Sheppard and Bishop of Souls 88. Shaloh 89. Son of the Blessed 90. Son of David 91. Son of God 92. Son of the Highest 93. Son of Righteous 94. True Light 95. True Vine 96. Truth 97. Wittnness 98. Word 99. Word of God
Categories: Bible Doctrine